Life on the earth is impossible without water. Water is an essential factor for all forms of life on the Earth.Humans, animals,birds,fish, trees , plants and microbes.That means the basis for the life is water. Modern scientific knowledge has not so far been capable of detecting any other planet having water in the universe other than the Earth. The only planet where water is in abundance for the existences of living being is the Earth. How lucky we are ? But,do we think about water in its real and total importance ? Is it enough to think about it for drinking ,washing, bathing and cleaning ? Why are not we mindful about potability , usability , preserving , conserving and even wasting and polluting it.Are we doing our return duty to the nature that gave us this invaluable resource as she did her part ? So we , the people should think more about it than today, so as not to put it into a crisis in the future.As you got life from it you should let others to get life from it.
Water is very important for the health of man.The general opinion is that two third of the total body weight of an average man is constituted by water. Your body will not function well if it lacks water.In the digestive process it functions as an lubricant in the digestive track and as a solvent in the absorption process. Although we can live a couple of days without food we can't live a day without water.The water leaves your body regularly with your knowledge as urine and sweat,and without your knowledge as vapor when you exhale and as vapor from your skin.Thus, if the loss of water exceeds the intake of water you may become dehydrated. When you are dehydrated you would feel a severe thirst , your mouth lips and tongue would become dry,you would feel a weakness,dizziness and you may even faint.If the dehydration is severe it may even bring you death.Therefore if you really concern about your health drink as much water as your body needs.An average man should usually drink about two liters of water a day.A bit of science about water
It is not bad to know,scientifically, a little about water. when analyzed it chemically, we can see that water contains two different atoms. They are hydrogen and oxygen.Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom are connected together by hydrogen bonds.Then it is called a molecule of water.When thousands and thousands of such molecules are bonded together, the mass of water is formed. It is a liquid at atmospheric temperature and pressure. It exists in all three forms solid (ice) liquid (water) and gas (vapor).When water is in its purest form, It is colorless, tasteless and odorless.WATER MOLECULE |
The amount of water on the Earth,as I have learned on my school days is a constant. You can see it in different places like oceans, seas, rivers and lakes and in different forms like liquid solid and gas.Water doesn't remain in one place. It always moves.Round and round.The water you see today in your glass at home will be in the air or in a cloud in the sky tomorrow.It goes but you can't see it going.This circular movement of water
can be put in other words as water cycle.Let's explain it a little bit scientifically.