Saturday, May 14, 2016

Mothers Of southeast Asia


When a child was born to a woman we say that women received the motherhood.Thereafter the newly born child calls her "mother",The husband calls her my child's mother, and the world recognizes her as a mother. That is the relationship or kinship automatically established.But is giving birth to a child enough for a woman to be called  a mother.  How many responsibilities are there for a women to be fulfilled before  calling her heroic  mother. How many  young mothers have understood this.How many have given up their responsibilities.There are enough instances where mothers have deserted their children. In such cases where has the love towards the children gone?

a mother who gave birth to ten children still living
at the age of 80. She was well backed up by the husband and
all the  children were well brought up and bequeathed
to society as good citizens.Had she been born in Russia
She would have been a heroic mother.
The mother has to breast feed the child until it is able to be fed on formula.I have heard mothers stopping breast feeding half way thinking ,that continuation would harm her beauty,thus depriving  the child of its right have mother's milk. This  way a mother has to do a lot of things to bring up the child such as caring when sick,sending to school to educate,teaching social norms and values,
and good habits, how to be patient, how to tolerate opposite ideas, how to behave before win and defeat, what behavior the society expects from them, their responsibilities towards parents, elders and siblings, taking them to places, when the right time comes finding a means of sustenance and finally giving them in marriage to suitable persons. Weather the father helps  the mother is another question but  in my opinion father should supply her with basic requirements and love should be in abundance within the family.

 But there are mothers in my country who are bringing up children bearing various difficulties. Some poor  mothers work hard as laborers on the roads, in the  fields and factories for mean wages. Some mothers have good  husbands, but some women's husbands  are total drunkards who beat wives  but they bear everything and look after, feed and educate their children well. I know some mothers who don't eat enough, don't wear well, don't take part in functions, don't enjoy life because of their  children. Their one and only motive is to educate the children and let them  have better future.They never expect anything in return.Her children are to her children  forever until she dies.May this article be a tribute to good mothers in the world. 

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